SEMex In Shinjuku 2015 | Professional Wrestling Noah Saturday Night time RetroView

On Could twenty first, 2015, Professional Wrestling Noah aired their SEMex in Shinjuku 2015 present from Shinjuku Face in Tokyo, Japan. On the cardboard, we had six matches on faucet with 4 tag group matches, a Battle Royal & a Girls’s match between Kana (Asuka in WWE) & Sawako Shinmono.

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
8 Man Battle Royal
Captain Noah vs. Jack Gamble vs. Jon Webb vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Mohammed Yone vs. Shiro Tomoyose vs. Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Zack Sabre Jr

Everybody takes turns attacking Shiro Tomoyose to start out the match then Katsuhiko Nakajima hits a brainbuster on Tomoyose and pins him. Chaos breaks out earlier than Jon Webb, Jack Gamble & Yoshinari Ogawa are eradicated.

This leaves Mohammed Yone, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Zack Sabre Jr & Captain Noah & Captain Noah is kicked by ZSJ, however Captain Noah covers Nakajima, and everybody helps cowl him, so Nakajima is eradicated. ZSJ & Captain Noah kick Yone, they usually hit a double vertical suplex.

Captain Noah punches ZSJ within the intestine, however Sabre uppercuts him again, they usually commerce blows.  Chops by Captain NOAH, however Sabre hits a operating uppercut adopted by a kick within the nook.

Yone comes over and knees ZSJ, however ZSJ suplexes him and applies the cross-arm breaker, however Yone will get to the ropes. ZSJ kicks Yone within the arm, and he hits an uppercut.

Captain Noah schoolboys ZSJ from behind, nevertheless, and he will get the three rely & ZSJ is eradicated, and we’re left with Captain Noah & Yone. Then Captain NOAH applies a brief armbar to Yone, however Yone will get to the ropes.

DDT by Captain Noah, then a canopy, however it will get two, then Captain Noah goes for the punt, however Yone avoids it, then a lariat by Captain Noah connects, then a canopy, however Yone kicks out.

Yone kicks Captain Noah again and hits a lariat of his personal, then places Captain Noah up on the highest turnbuckle and nails Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner: Mohammed Yone (10:50)

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
Kana vs. Sawako Shimono

Samoan Drop by Sawako Shimono, and she or he hits just a few lariats, however Kana stays up and hits a launch German earlier than Shimono fires again with a lariat after which a canopy, however it will get a two-count.

Shimono goes off the ropes, however Kana applies a cross armbreaker, then a seated armbar by Kana, however Shimono pins her method out of it.

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Kana applies a hammerlock, however Shimono will get out of that, too however. Kana will get Shimono’s again, and she or he applies a Hen Wing Face Lock.

Shimono struggles for a second, however she has to faucet out.

Winner By Submission: Kana (8:08)

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
Tag Crew Match
No Mercy (Daisuke Harada & Genba Hirayanagi) vs. Courageous (Taiji Ishimori & Atsushi Kotoge)

Atsushi Kotoge snaps off a DDT earlier than Daisuke Harada fees him, however Kotoge hits a leaping kick. Then Taiji Ishimori is available in and hits a double knee to Harada. Kotoge goes up prime, and he hits a diving physique press on Harada, however the pin is damaged up.

Kotoge hits a leg kick on Harada, then a canopy, however Harada will get a shoulder up. Kotoge picks up Harada and headbutts him.

Leaping knee by Kotoge, however Harada sneaks in a schoolboy for a two rely, then the bell rings earlier than they will do a lot else, and the match is asserted a Draw.

Winners: No One (Time Restrict Draw) (20:00)

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
6 Man Tag Crew Match
Cho Kibou Gun (Maybach Taniguchi, Kenou & Hajime Ohara) vs. No Mercy (Takashi Sugiura, Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm)

Cho Kibou Gun assaults No Mercy earlier than the match begins, with Hajime Ohara staying within the ring with Quiet Storm. 

Massive boot by Takashi Sugiura within the nook and hits a operating knee, then Kenou & Sugiura commerce elbows again on their toes, Irish whip by Sugiura, however Maybach Taniguchi tags himself in.

Akitoshi Saito tags in, too, and he hits a Scissors Kick on Taniguchi, then an influence slam by Taniguchi, then a canopy, however it will get two, then a lariat by Taniguchi within the nook to Sugiura connects earlier than Sugiura goes off the ropes, however Taniguchi catches him with a lariat.

Taniguchi picks up Saito and goes for a powerbomb, however Saito reverses it with a backbody drop, then a facet slam by Saito, and he tags in Quiet Storm & we get some chops by Quiet Storm, and he hits a vertical suplex.

Lariat by Quiet Storm within the nook and he hits a Northern Lights suplex maintain for a two rely. Kenou is available in with a kendo stick, however Quiet Storm strikes when he goes to hit him, and he hits Ohara accidentally.

Taniguchi is thrown within the nook, however he lariats Sugiura & Quiet Storm earlier than suplexing Saito. Kenou is available in and boots Quiet Storm within the nook, and Taniguchi hits a lariat.

Kenou goes up prime and hits a diving double stomp on Quiet Storm & Taniguchi hits a chokeslam on him, however the referee is MIA, so he can’t rely.

Taniguchi picks up Quiet Storm and hits a vertical suplex adopted by a spinebuster for a two-count. Taniguchi places Quiet Storm up prime, and he grabs him & hits Maybach Bomb for the win.

Winners: Cho Kibou Gun (12:42)

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
Robust BJ (Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi) vs. Tremendous Loopy & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya

Tremendous Loopy & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya assault earlier than the match begins, however Robust BJ regains the benefit as Yuji Okabayashi chops Tremendous Loopy to the mat.

Okabayashi tags in Sekimoto, and Sekimoto hits an elbow drop, then an Irish whip by Sekimoto, however Tremendous Loopy dropkicks Sekimoto within the knee.

Kitamiya is available in and hits a senton for a two rely, then Sekimoto scoop slams Kitamiya, and he tags in Okabayashi & Okabayashi chops Kitamiya within the chest and slams him earlier than tagging Sekimoto again in.

Sekimoto chops Mitsuhiro Kitamiya outdoors the ring as they battle up into the gang as. Tremendous Loopy will get up within the stands and hits a tope con hilo over the railing to the ground.

Tremendous Loopy & Okabayashi return to the ring, and he covers him for 2; then Tremendous Loopy picks up Okabayashi, however Okabayashi chops him, they usually commerce blows.

Dropkick by Tremendous Loopy, however Okabayashi fires again with a lariat, then Tremendous Loopy tags in Kitamiya whereas Okabayashi tags in Sekimoto & Sekimoto & Kitamiya commerce elbows, and Kitamiya hits a Samoan Drop.

He hits one on Okabayashi as effectively earlier than Kitamiya grabs Sekimoto, however Sekimoto pushes him again into the nook. Launch German suplex by Kitamiya, and he hits Sekimoto with a spear after which a canopy, however Okabayashi breaks up the pin.

Okabayashi throws Tremendous Loopy out of the ring. Sekimoto places Kitamiya on his shoulders in an Argentine Backbreaker whereas Okabayashi does the identical to Tremendous Loopy.

Sekimoto drops Kitamiya, they usually commerce elbows then Kitamiya goes off the ropes, however Sekimoto boots him and hits an enzuigiri.

Lariat by Sekimoto, then a canopy, however it will get a two-count. Sekimoto grabs Kitamiya across the waist and he hits a German suplex to get the win.

Winners: Robust BJ (12:01)

SEMex In Shinjuku 2015
Yankee Two Kenju (Yuko Miyamoto & Isami Kodaka) vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Hitoshi Kumano

Yuko Miyamoto runs in and knocks Naomichi Marufuji off the apron, however Hitoshi Kumano dropkicks each of them and tags in Marufuji & chops Isami Kodaka into the nook and he hits a leaping elbow within the nook.

Foot stomp to the pinnacle by Marufuji, and he superkicks Kodaka for a two-count. Then Kodaka slides away from Marufuji, and he hits a dropkick; Kodaka boots Marufuji within the nook and hits a scoop slam.

Kodaka goes up prime, however Marufuji avoids the diving knee drop. Then a superkick by Kodaka connects, and he hits a vertical suplex on Marufuji, giving him time to tag in Miyamoto.

Miyamoto chops Marufuji, however Marufuji chops him again. Then Marufuji goes off the ropes, however Miyamoto hits an overhead suplex.

[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Miyamoto goes for a Cobra Twist, however Marufuji hip tosses out of it. Marufuji goes off the ropes, however Miyamoto grabs him, and this time, he will get the transfer utilized.

Miyamoto picks up Marufuji, however Marufuji slides away; Miyamoto goes for Shiranui, however Marufuji pushes him off and tags in Hitoshi Kumano, then an Irish whip by Kumano from the nook, and he hits a operating elbow, kick by Miyamoto, however Kumano hits one other elbow.

Rolling verticals by Kumano, and he hits a fisherman suplex maintain for a two rely. Kumano fees Miyamoto, however Miyamoto drops him on the 2nd rope, and Kodaka kicks him. Double Irish whip to Kumano, and he eats a double flapjack.

He goes for the duvet, however Marufuji breaks it up, after which Marufuji dropkicks Kodaka out of the ring. Kumano goes up prime, and he hits a missile dropkick, then a canopy, however it will get a two-count.

Kodaka sails out onto Marufuji with a tope suicida whereas Kumano rolls up Miyamoto for a two rely, then some elbows by Kumano however Miyamoto hits the handspring elbow strike.

Powerbomb by Miyamoto, then a canopy, however Kumano will get a shoulder up, then Miyamoto slams Kumano in entrance of the nook & goes up prime, and he hits the moonsault, selecting up the victory at SEMex In Shinjuku 2015.

Winners: Yankee Two Kenju (14:03)

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