ECW Responsible As Charged 1999 | ECW Saturday Evening RetroView

On January tenth, 1999, Excessive Championship Wrestling introduced ECW Responsible As Charged 1999. This was the first-ever ECW Responsible As Charged pay-per-view occasion. It came about from Kissimmee, Florida & we received 7 matches we received 2 Title matches (Tv & ECW World Heavyweight) we additionally received a Stairway To Hell Match, in addition to Sid Vicious in motion.

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
3 Manner Dance

The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks (Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten) vs. FBI (Little Guido & Tracy Smothers) vs. Danny Doering & Roadkill

Everybody brawls out and in of the ring earlier than Little Guido crashes on the rail with a missed dive. Axl Rotten assaults Roadkill with a chair then Balls Mahoney offers Tracey Smothers a superkick, a sit-out bomb, and a clothesline to the ground. Mahoney follows with a plancha onto the FBI earlier than Danny Doring & Roadkill take management.

Roadkill hits splashes. Doring nails a G Spot Sweep, then Bareback, adopted by Tea Bag earlier than Doring & Roadkill proceed with a Hart Assault, however Tommy Wealthy decks them with the flag then FBI hits Doring with a double fisherman’s suplex to eradicated Doring & Roadkill.

FBI double groups Mahoney with double chops and dropkicks then additionally they land a Paisan Elbow. Mahoney fires again with a Saito Suplex and tags in Rotten & he cleans home with clotheslines, punches, and a flip, flop, and fly. The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks then whips FBI into one another and hit their finishers in stereo to get the win.

Winners: The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks (10:43)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Tremendous Loopy

The match begins off with some mat wrestling and pin makes an attempt earlier than Yoshihiro Tajiri takes management with basement dropkicks, then follows with a handspring elbow, Asai Moonsault, and the Tarantula. Tremendous Loopy solutions with a springboard dropkick, somersault plancha, and a moonsault off the rail.

Again contained in the ring, Loopy does a rolling surfboard, then Tajiri sends Tremendous Loopy outdoors and lands a plancha. After they return, they commerce magistral cradles. Tremendous Loopy takes over and hits twister DDTs, however he misses a corkscrew splash.

It results in combating on the highest rope as Tajiri hits a sundown bomb and a Tremendous Frankensteiner earlier than they alternate energy bombs. Tajiri then spins Loopy round & drills him to the mat with Dragon Suplex to get the victory.

Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri (11:37)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
Sid Vicious vs. John Kronus

John Kronus throws ineffective punches, so Sid Vicious tosses him over the ropes earlier than Kronus lands on a desk then. Sid grabs a chair and whacks Kronus within the head & again because the followers chant for a powerbomb so Sid grants their want as he rolls Kronus inside and nails the powerbomb to get the victory.

Winner: Sid Vicious (1:31)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
Tag Group Match
The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray & D Von) vs. Spike Dudley & New Jack

Each groups combat with crutches, steel trays, and bowls. D Von Dudley scuffles with New Jack whereas Spike Dudley will get the higher of Buh Buh Ray Dudley however Buh Buh takes management and throws Spike into the group twice whereas D Von & Jack proceed brawling till Jack & Spike get guitars.

The Dudley Boyz keep away from them, however Massive Dick Dudley isn’t as fortunate then The Dudleys Boyz reply with chairs. Buh offers Spike a Tremendous Buh Buh Bomb then they take Jack to the ramp. D-Von hits Buh Buh by mistake, however they nonetheless land a 3D on Jack.

Spike throws low blows and provides everybody Acid Drop & there may be extra miscommunication amongst The Dudley Boyz earlier than Massive Dick blocks yet another Acid Drop & this permits The Dudley Boyz to provide Spike a 3D for the win.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz (10:01)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
ECW Tv Title Match

Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Lance Storm

The match begins off with Rob Van Dam & Lance Storm performing some mat wrestling till Storm grabs rolling Half Crab as Invoice Alfonso attracts Storm’s consideration by grabbing Miss Bytch, then Storm & RVD combat outdoors. RVD does a somersault plancha into the group. Storm solutions with a reverse DDT on the ground; then Lance performs a springboard plancha into the stands.

RVD flips by means of a again superplex and lands a Rolling Thunder; then he continues with a Van Daminator after 2 tries. Fonzie says Storm is out, however he performs possum and kicks RVD low when Bytch occupies the official. RVD rallies with one other Van Daminator, however it hits the ref.

Lance Storm capitalizes with a sidekick to the chair, however there’s no referee as Fonzie distracts Storm & RVD nails a flying Van Daminator, however he misses the 5 Star Frog Splash & it results in powerbomb and pin reversals earlier than RVD drills Storm to the mat with a German Suplex to get the win.

Winner: AND STILL Tv Champion: Rob Van Dam (18:50)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
Stairway To Hell Match

Justin Credible vs. Tommy Dreamer

Tommy Dreamer takes the combat to the surface with a Cactus Clothesline earlier than Justin Credible takes management with the guardrail and a chair then. Dreamer solutions with a Russian leg sweep, and a Dreamer Driver then grabs the ladder and avoids Credible’s baseball slide.

Dreamer slams Credible on the ladder, however he misses an elbow drop, so Credible capitalizes and tries to injure Dreamer’s arm earlier than Dreamer fends off Credible’s entourage then. Nicole Bass flubs her interference, so Dreamer nails a Spicolli Driver on Credible.

After a see-saw spot, they knock one another off the ladder. Credible additionally places Dreamer on the ladder and dumps him outdoors, however Dreamer returns with a 2nd ladder, then they climb, and Dreamer offers Credible a cutter from the ladder & that permits him to unhook the cane.

Terry Funk clocks Tommy with a trash can, then Credible retrieves the cane & whacks Dreamer with it earlier than he lands. That’s Unimaginable for the win.

Winner: Justin Credible (18:45)

ECW Responsible As Charged 1999
ECW World Heavyweight Title Match

Shane Douglas (c) vs. Taz

Shane Douglas & Taz do some mat wrestling till Taz lands a Tazplex and an Alabama Slam. Then the combat devolves right into a crowd brawl as they spill over the guardrail and ascend to the highest of the stands. Taz rams him into the barricade, however Douglas nails Taz with a chair & once they return to the ring, Taz & Douglas put one another by means of tables then the lights exit.

ECW Guilty as Charged, 1999-2001: photos | WWE
[Photo: WWE]

Sabu’s music performs & he arrives and wreaks havoc as Sabu places each males by means of tables with triple soar dives and he limps away. Douglas crawls to a pin, however he solely will get a two rely, then Douglas requires assist. Tammy Sytch solutions however Francine catfights together with her.

Chris Candido additionally seems, however he activates Douglas as he decks him and removes his Triple Risk shirt. Then Taz nails a Tazplex and locks in Tazmission & Douglas passes out.

Winner: By Submission & NEW ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Taz (22:15)

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